Stand for the truth and against disinformation
Our goal is to limit the spread of disinformation across the internet. We alert advertisers that their advertisements may appear in a negative context and thus jeopardise the reputation of the advertised brand itself. Therefore, we ask advertisers not to fund misinformation and manipulative websites whose content divides society.
About us?
How does disinformation
spread with the intention of confusing the public
Methodology for identifying disinformation websites
The Foundation focuses on three characteristics that are considered essential in assessing the credibility of a website: transparency of the medium, fair handling of sources and professional work with the content itself. This methodology assesses how sources and text are handled rather than the level of misinformation. It is a part of the overall picture as the majority of disinformation is based on poor, unprofessional work by the editorial staff which allows such disinformation to spread.
The credibility of a given website is examined by a committee (writer / political scientist / publicist / artist / doctor / biologist / teacher / historian...) based on their belief in the social usefulness of the medium. We have created an intersection of the sites that overlap in each analysis using these 3 different mechanisms and are, in our opinion, the most toxic and recommended for blocking as part of an ad buy.
List of
How not to advertise on a disinformation site
GDI aims to disrupt, defund and down-rank disinformation sites. We collectively work with governments, business and civil society. We operate on three core principles of neutrality, independence and transparency.
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responsible partners